On James Kim


送交者: clriufs3 于 December 08, 2006 02:28:10:

James was found on Wednesday, and most sadly he didn't survive to be united with his family. I could only hope he guessed his family had been rescued from the thump of helicopters. I could only hope he guessed help to him was on the way.

In the comfort of heater, I could only imagine his despair coming face to face with unscalable sheer cliffs on both sides of the creek, 4 days after bidding a possibly understood mutual final farewell to his wife and two daughters, 10 miles trek bashing thick bushes and wading creek remaining fluid only due to motion. The hours he was awoke charging on, the moments he drifted into sleep, and the dreams he had.

His endeavor and ordeal stroke a particular sensitive cord inside me, even my wife couldn't comprehend. Perhaps, it is due to my 10-month old daughter is 3 months older than his 7-month Sabine. Perhaps, his stranded Saab brought us closer. Perhaps, I could easily envision myself subconsciously pushing myself in the same way before he was stranded. Perhaps, because he and his wife managed to keep their family alive for so long with so little, I wouldn't accept any outcome less than perfect. Perhaps, for his misjudgements not even noticeable under most circumstances, he was punished relentlessly by all conniving elements of nature and randomness.

As an atheist, I have nothing to pray to. But deep in my heart, I hope James knew his family was safe, and he died a content man.



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