Kathy Adams Clark (上)


送交者: Passer-By-From-Texas 于 October 27, 2010 15:55:13:

回答: 【消遣】《笑侃继续集》德客交往(过)的摄影人 由 Passer-By-From-Texas 于 October 25, 2010 13:30:13:

她丈夫Mr. Clark是《休斯顿纪时报(Houston Chronicle)》的专栏作家,鸟类专家,Kathy结婚后她改姓Clark,但是,她太喜欢摄影了(几十年的经历),这个Adams的姓氏远比Clark响亮,所以,她一直就是全称展现:Kathy Adams Clark,但是,我一直不知道她是否是Ansel Adams的“嫡系”:)不重要,因为她确实照片拍得好,学生带得好,关爱社区,平易近人。


这是她的个人网站:photographing with Kathy Adams Clark

她丈夫据说能发出嘹亮的各类鸟叫(估计当时Kathy热衷“打鸟”,误入了情网:)。这是他俩的网站:Gary Clark & Kathy Adams Clark


I was attending Kathy's class last month (May 2005). She is a local photographer and gives casual photography class regularly. This class was about using flash. But I just received my new Nikkor VR lens and couldn't wait to try. So, in the class, I set up the D70 with the lens plus SB800. This was probably captured at f5.6 @ 1/60 sec at about 75 mm focal length, with VR on, handheld.

I blurred a little bit using Gaussian with the intention of "smoothing" out the facial skin.

Kathy is a local photographer and she gives casual photography classes regularly. I was attending one of her field trip class in a local park. It was a heavily casted day in mid November last year (2004). The park seemed to have not much to offer in terms of photogenetic subjects/scenes. I was wandering around and found shooting the interactions of the teacher with her students might be interesting. Thus, I randomly picked some and this was one of them. I like the serious facial expression on Kathy's face while she was teaching. The student, who was listening to her, was just off Kathy's class about flash before this class, and she carried her SB800 everywhere and fired every time...she then got the teacher's attention.



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