

送交者: Passer-By-From-Texas 于 February 25, 2011 12:09:31:

这组三张是2006年4、5月份时拍摄的。用的是泥家的D70s相机。前两张是拿Sigma 50-500mm镜头,

画质有点“软”(色彩分辨率低些)。第三张麻雀使用Nikon 70-200mm + TC1.7x.

"漫步米大学校园的学者"(1) :). 这里是我当年为这张照片留下的拍摄注解:

In mid May, at this emptied campus of Rice University, I encountered this heron, a new visitor of the greenland.

I would believe he was exploring but I couldn't resist the thinking that he was taking the opportunity when all
the professors had already escaped home and that he could be bravely mimicking the scholar pondering his
profound questions while walking around the campus...

"漫步米大学校园的学者"(2) :).

In the mid May, at the campus of Rice University, I found it was extremely quiet. The classes were all done,
the graduation day was over, no one wanted to stay here one more minute. I was wandering around aiming at the
architectures around. And then I noticed a pair of herons enjoying themselves on this greenland, where
usually students occupied day in and day out. I would guess he was stretching his feet to get the first
time feel of the land although no fish nearby...


@340 mm, 1/500 sec with f4.8, exposure comp + 0.3 EV

这组2张是2005年1月份拍的. 刚用D70, (那个s还没有出来), 激动多过理智的时期:) <用的是Nikon 105mm macro lens>
"Extremely sensitive"(1)
"Extremely sensitive"(2)

2004年的大选夜. Nikon D70, kit lens (18-70mm)
好象是在2004年11月2日(星期二), 小布什与John Kerry之争。大选夜,休斯顿不冷,投票人不少。

德州退休女法官Ruby Sondock(和她的老公Melvin)组织了一个投票夜的大PARTY(大概有上百人之多)。我凑巧认识他们
这不是美国人说的exit poll吗?从他们站队的选择,大概可以估计投票的趋势。:))不过,更有趣的是,来人多数
