To Waterfire


送交者: onlooker 于 July 11, 2002 07:41:35:

I think your arguments over the relationship between humanbeings and
God are out of the basic Biblical framework and religious context; you
are confusing western institutions such as liberty, social justice,
even free press with pure religious practice, therefore as a result you
are equalizing yourself with the Almighty, the Creator, who has
absolute authority over every aspect of the life and behavior of ours,
to carry out whatever He deems to be justifiable.

Here are a few words from the Ten Commandments:

"I am the Lord your God, .... You shall have no other gods before me."

"...I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the childred for
the sins of the fathers ... of those who hate me, but showing love to
a thousand generations of those who love me ..."

Frankly, if you want to discuss most of the points you otherwise very
well articulated, you should pull them out of the religious context,
being Christianity or being any others; but in that case, you would have
no God or deities to speak of in the first place.

Think about some thing of your own creation, or may be just your pets
whose very existence would have nothing to do with you but you've spent
money and time to care and train them. Do you demand obedience of those
creatures without ever concerning their "rights"? I bet you do.

Have any scientists ever consider asking consents from those experimental
mice in their labs before doing all sort of procedures on those poor
animals? Are their rights violated?

How far away are animals from us humans on the universal ladder? and how
far away are we from the top of the universal pyramid where God the Creator
is residing?

You cannot talk about human issues with God on equal terms. We were created
from dust, and just that.

No I am no Christian, no Buddhist, no nothing. But I do believe, by following
your interesting discussions, that you cannot question God in the same way
that you address regular social issues.

Religion is religion.

Just my 2 cents. Well, 2.4 cents if you're in Canada.



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