Somewhere Along the Way


送交者: 还没想好 于 July 20, 2002 22:15:24:

回答: 鲁鸣:平凡的日子 由 老椰子 于 July 20, 2002 19:54:03:

Somewhere along the way,
A persistent voice taught me I was in competition
with every other man in the world.
I listened carefully,
and learned the lesson well.
It was not enough
To find a loving wife and have average, happy kids,
To see a sunrise and wonder at an eclipsing moon,
To enjoy a meal and catch a trout in a silent, silver river,
To picnic in a meadow at the top of mountain
or ride horses along the rim of a hidden lake laugh like a child at midnight
and to still wonder about the falling stars.
It was only enough
To be admired and powerful and to rush from
one success to another,
To barely see faces or hear voices, to ignore
beauty and forget about music,
To reduce everything and everybody to a
stereo color pattern on the way to some new triumph,
To rest in no victory, but to create new and
more demanding goals even as I seem to succeed,
Until finally I was estranges and exhausted,
victorious and joyless, successful and ready
to abandon life.
Then somewhere along the way
I remembered the laugh of a child I once knew,
I saw a familiar boy wandering joylessly in the woods,
I felt a heart pounding with excitement at the
birth a new day,
Until I was in competition with no one and
Life was clear again.
Somewhere along the way. --Maybe if I loveed you more
By James Kavanaugh



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