高山版的《Là ci darem la mano》


送交者: 红门 于 April 29, 2016 21:27:43:

送交者: 晓茵 2006年8月10日18:39:59 于 [高山流水]http://www.bbsland.com


听宫老师唱得那么好,把那范唱远远的甩在后头,尤其那舌头卷的,太转业了,好让人羡慕,一时冲动,自告奋勇,问老师要了干声,想快速的合成高山版的《Là ci darem la mano》。本以为几分钟的事,可一动手,才发现没有伴奏,只好花时间把两个男女生伴奏剪剪拚拚,凑成现在的伴奏。用耳机仔细听,能听出衔接的声音,只能凑合了,偶专管接砖,鲜花送给宫老师!!

Là ci darem la mano

from "Don Giovanni" by Mozart

演唱:宫商 不识谱

This charming little duet is a song of seduction.
Don Giovanni is walking in the countryside and meets
a group of young people on their way to a wedding
party for Zerlina and Masetto. The Don decides that
he will steal Zerlina's heart, so with cool calculation
accompanied by hot passion, he tells her how lovely her
little hand is in his. She tries to be strong, but
visibly weakens during the duet. At the end of the song,
Zerlina and the Don join hands and sing blithely of
how wonderful it is to be in love.

La ci darem la mano (Then with your hand in mine, dear)
La mi dirai di si (You'll whisper gently yes)
Vedi, non e lontano (The castle's lord by yours dear)
Partiam, ben mio, da qui (Come, and lover bless)

Vorrei, e non vorrei (I would, and yet I would not)
Mi trema un poco il cor (My breast with terror heaves)
Felice, e ver sarei (It would be the happiest lot)
Ma puo burlarmi ancor (Unless this lord deceives)

Vieni mio bel diletto (Come, then, with me, my beauty)

Mi fa pieta Masetto (Masetto claims my duty)

Io changiero tua sorte (I wish to change your state, love)

Presto, non son piu forte (I yield myself to fate, love)

Vieni! vieni (Come, then! Then with your hand)
La ci darem la mano (in mine, dear)
La mi dirai di si (You'll whisper gently yes)

Vorrei e non vorrei (I would, and yet I would nor)
Mi trema un poco il cor (My breast with terror heaves)

Andiam, andiam mio bene (Then come, and share with me)
A ristorar le pene (the pleasure of innocence and love)
D'un innocente amor





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