Wednesday, Jan 25, session four


送交者: Masquerade 于 February 02, 2008 00:49:40:

回答: 【科学 教育】Arctic Frontiers Tromso 2008, Science conference 由 Masquerade 于 January 31, 2008 19:34:39:

08:15, C.R.Macdonald, Chapter 5: The Effects Oil and Gas Activity on the Environment and Human Health: Terrstrial Effects and Seabirds

08:35, W.L.Lockhart, The Effects of Oil and Gas Activity on the Environment and Human Health: Aquatic Effects

08:55, A.P. Gilman, The Impacts of Oil and Gas Activity in the circumpolar Arctic on Human Health and Well-being.

09:15, A.Lukin, The Application of Bio-makers in Assessment of Permanent Influence of Oil Spill on Water Ecosystems

09:30, T. Baussant, Enzymatic and Cellular Responses in Relation to Body Burden of PAHs in Bivalve Molluece: A Case study with Chronic Levels of North Sea and Barents Sea Dispersed Oil.

09:45, B.E.Grosvik, Long-term Studies with Atlantic Cod Exposed to Produced Water and Estradiol.

10:00, S.D.Denisenko, Estimation of Ecological Stress and Stability of Marine Zoobenthos on Information Indexes of Biodiversity.

10:45, A. Akadsheim, Bioavailability and Uptake of PAH from Water Soluble Fraction (WSF) of Crude Oil in passive Samplers and Three Invertebrates at Low Temperature and High Pressures

11:00, A. Maage, NIFES Database on Seafood Safety; Securing Data for Seafood Quality Development through the Petroleum Age.

11:15, L. Camus, Safe Guarding the Environment for Future Oil and Gas Development in the Barents Sea

11:30, S.J.Cochrane, Apples and Pears-Can we Extract Large-Scale BAseline Environmental Information by Joining Non-compatible Faunal Data Sets?



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